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Check Out the Review on the Blackhound EMERGE 2-12×44 from The Armory Life

We sent the EMERGE 2-12×44 to Wayne van Zwoll for a full, honest review on what we consider to be the best optic in our line. We gave him no instructions or introduction on the Blackhound line, only seeking his honest review. He delivered!

Don’t Let the Name Confuse You

The Blackhound brand name confuses most at first, pegging our brand as tactical only, Wayne was no different. Luckily, he put that aside and dove into his review, which you can find the full review at The Armory Life.

Here are a few key points from Wayne’s review:

  • “The author chose the 2-12×44 over more powerful Emerge models because its size, weight, power range and capped dials best suited it to his field use.”
  • “I could place the sight for my stock-crawling shooting style without limiting shooters of other builds and habits.”
  • “At 7X, the Blackhound’s 44mm front lens delivers an exit pupil of over 6mm — as big as the human eye can use in the dimmest shooting light.”
  • “I was mighty pleased with the essentially perfect return to zero.”

Find Your Passion with the EMERGE 2-12×44

The Blackhound EMERGE 2-12×44 comes in both MOA and MIL, and like the rest of the line includes everything you need to mount the optic to your weapon. Retailing at $1,299.99 this 34mm tube delivers superior quality at a fraction of the price of its competitors.